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More About Astigmatism


You may recognize this word from previous eye examinations, but very few actually understand what it means.

You may recognize this word from previous eye examinations, but very few actually understand what it means. Astigmatism is the name given when either the cornea (front surface) or the lens of the eye has an irregular curvature –Usually referred to as a Toric shape.

Both the surfaces of the cornea and lens of the eye are surfaces that bend the light entering the eye, sending it to the retina where it should form a clear image. If the light falls on a surface that is irregular, the light that reaches the retina is distorted, giving you blurry, hazy vision. Astigmatism is not a disease but is actually a vision condition that is quite common.

Most people have some degree of astigmatism. However, only moderately to high astigmatic eyes may need corrective lenses.

What causes astigmatism?

Although sometimes difficult to determine, there are a few possible causes of astigmatism:

  • it is hereditary
  • as a result of a previous corneal injury or disease
  • thinning of the cornea (as with Keratoconus)
  • excessive rubbing of the eyes (as seen in those who have bad allergies)
  • in combination with near-sightedness or farsightedness
What are the signs and symptoms of astigmatism?

While the only way to know if you have astigmatism is to have an eye examination performed by your eye care professional, there are a few tell-tale signs that you may have astigmatism:

  • distorted vision
  • blurred vision at distances
  • eyestrain
  • may experience headaches
  • squinting, or frowning
I think I have astigmatism… what next?

During your routine eye examination, your eye care professional will be able to confirm the presence and quantity of astigmatism, if any. Usually, this would be corrected with either spectacles or contact lenses (depending on the nature and quantity present).

Contact lenses for astigmatism may be rigid gas permeable, disposable or conventional soft lenses. For spectacle wearers, there may be a short adaption period when acquiring corrective lenses. 

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